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Hertford County Office of Aging

More than a meal…Congregate Lunch Program, Nutritious lunches are served Monday through Friday
from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m., and are provided by Granville Catering. At the Hertford County Office of
Aging, lunch is “more than a meal” with monthly presentations by community business and health
professionals, games, and thematic parties. Lunch time is always an opportunity for education,
socialization, and fun. Reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. The lunch program is
funded by grants from federal, state, and local governments. There is no charge for people 60 and
older, and for folks under 60, the cost is $5 per meal. All meals meet daily nutritional requirements as
prescribed by a registered dietician. Although there is no charge for the meals, contributions are important
and help us to expand this program. Home Delivered Meals Home delivered meals are available for the
homebound and restrictions apply. For more information, please call the Hertford County Office of
Aging for more information. call



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